Friday, August 1, 2014

GROUP BY clause to get comma separated values in MS SQL

Today we will see how to get the comma separated values from SQL table. This may require during the project development to send the report or to send an email to multiple people.
We will create the table first.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[StatusReport](
    [StudentID] [int] NULL,
    [Status] [nchar](10) NULL,
    [Email] [varchar](50) NULL

Now we will insert some data in this table,
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (1 ,'Fail' ,'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (2 ,'Pass' ,'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (3 ,'Fail' ,'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (4 ,'Pass' ,'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (5 ,'Fail' ,'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (6 ,'Pass' ,'')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[StatusReport] ([StudentID] ,[Status] ,[Email]) VALUES (7 ,'Fail' ,'')
Now we will write the code to get the result as comma separated.
SELECT [Status], Email = 
STUFF((SELECT ', ' + Email FROM [StatusReport] b 
WHERE b.Status = a.Status 
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') 
FROM [StatusReport] a 
GROUP BY Status 
lets see the out put of this query,
I hope above query is clear and you will be able to write your own as per the requirement.

1 comment:

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