Wednesday, June 21, 2017

In-Memory OLTP in Azure SQL Database

Hey guys, good news for you all who use Azure SQL Database.

Below are some of the cool features Microsoft added in Azure SQL Database:

  • Earlier including the index created with the primary key, the memory-optimized table can have up to 8 indexes only. Now with the changes incorporated in June 2017 we can create more than eight indexes on memory-optimized tables
  • No more alter table command to change the memory-optimized objects, sp_rename can be used for renaming memory-optimized objects
  • You will no longer see the Error 41839 – “Transaction exceeded the maximum number of commit dependencies and the last statement was aborted. Retry the statement.” Microsoft eliminated the limit on the number of commit dependencies
  • Now we are free to use the CASE expression, the CROSS APPLY operator, and all JSON functions, isn't it interesting!
  • Did you even think of using computed columns in memory-optimized tables, if you think in such direction then please start using computed columns in memory-optimized tables

Thursday, June 15, 2017

How to Encrypt Managed Disks using Azure Storage Service Encryption (SSE)

Microsoft keeps adding more and more security features in Azure and the latest addition to that is the Azure "Storage Service Encryption"

Today we will see how to enable the Azure storage encryption.

Within 3 to 4 clicks we will be able to encrypt the storage account.

Lets login to the Azure account first. Once you login click on the "Storage Accounts" Menu.

New blade will be opened with all the available storage account you have created.

Storage Accounts

Now you select the storage account you want to encrypt, you will find the Encryption option, just click on the "Encryption" option.

Here in the right pane you will be able to Enable or Disable the Encryption. At present this feature is available for Azure Blobs and Files.

But nothing to worry more options are going to come soon.

Also you need to keep it in your mind that once you Enable the encryption only new Data will be encrypted, all the existing files will remain as it is.

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